Monday, 24 July 2006

Spacemen 3 and Loop on YouTube

Relive the halcyon days of indie hypnomonotony through the wonder of YouTube:

Loop - Collision
A nice collection of Spacemen 3 videos

Tuesday, 4 July 2006

RT Ponting lbw b Boiling 1

One of many international batsmen to fall to the wily offspin of James Boiling - Ricky Ponting lasted a mere 6 balls in 1993.

Secret Students On Parade

Hot off the press...Graham Boiling's memoir of life as a Cold War National Serviceman in the RAF, learning Russian at Crail in Fife. Read the background to the book on the Dundee Courier website.

You can get the book from Amazon or better still, direct from the publisher (Plane Tree): .

Or you can go to Crail airfield to look at the control tower , or even have a race.